Casework Master Class – Universal Credit Explained 2023 – Cost of Living Crisis Update


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Course Overview

The UK’s cost of living crisis throw millions of families into poverty in 2022 – and this years’ outlook looks increasingly grim with soaring energy and food bills on the horizon. This updated course will offer further clarity on what poorer households’ can claim for assistance during these difficult times.

"The course raised many issues concerning universal credit. I feel better equip to deal with constituency queries."

The course offers a detailed introduction into Universal Credit and will outline all the significant changes made to entitlement the benefit due to the cost of living crisis. This course will also explain in detail what claimants’ criteria is and outline all the secondary entitlements people have when claiming this benefit. The course will explain what restrictions exist to entitlement for those already  claiming other benefits such as housing benefit, carers allowance and disability allowances.



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