Critical Casework – Dealing with Emergencies


Course Overview

This specialised course is designed to equip constituency caseworkers with essential skills for effectively managing emergency situations. Throughout the sessions, you will delve into practical strategies and best practices tailored to handling urgent casework within your role.

Key Sessions Include:

  • Emergency Casework Management: Learn to identify critical tools for crisis management and establish effective structures to prioritize and manage urgent cases in a busy office environment.
  • Immigration Matters – Detention and Deportations: Gain insights into current procedures for handling detention and deportation cases, including strategies for swift action and effective representation.
  • Housing Matters – Evictions: Acquire practical tips for addressing housing emergencies, such as eviction cases due to rent arrears, anti-social behaviour, and more.
  • Victims of Crime: Develop skills in supporting constituents affected by crime, including incidents of violence, arrests abroad, and medical negligence.
  • Dealing with Vulnerable People: Explore compassionate approaches to handling emergency casework involving vulnerable constituents, including those with mental health issues, disabilities, and the elderly.

This is an ideal choice for staff working in busy inner city constituencies  and urban spaces, whom regularly receive high volumes of casework enquiries.


Prepare yourself to confidently manage emergencies in casework

Why Attend:

  • Practical Application: Gain actionable strategies and tools directly applicable to your daily casework challenges.
  • Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced professionals in crisis management, ensuring you’re equipped with the latest insights and best practices.
  • Relevant and Updated Content: Stay informed with current government guidance and support mechanisms, enhancing your ability to provide effective assistance.






Contact Us

0207 930 8208

Whitehall House
41 Whitehall