Secondary Legislation Explained


Course Overview

Secondary legislation, often referred to as delegated or subordinate legislation, serves as the vital underpinning to the legal infrastructure established by primary legislation, typically in the form of Acts of Parliament. Its significance lies in its ability to intricately complement and expound upon the broad strokes of primary laws, delving into the granular details necessary to address the multifaceted landscape of administrative, technical, and operational facets within the legislative process.

Our course embarks on a journey to unravel the intricate tapestry of secondary legislation, offering a comprehensive exploration into its purpose, implementation strategies, and far-reaching impact. Through a meticulous examination of case studies and historical precedents, participants will gain a profound understanding of how secondary legislation operates as the linchpin in ensuring the efficacy and adaptability of regulatory systems.

"Fantastic! Very informative session with an incredibly knowledgeable tutor. Answered all of my queries and gave great examples providing an extra aid to my understanding."

Ceara Roopchand, Government & Policy Advisor, National House-Building Council (NHBC)

The course will delve into the essential concepts, processes, and principles associated with secondary legislation, uncovering the procedure they go through in both Houses of Parliament as well as going through a guided practical exercise based on a case study.


Contact Us

0207 930 8208

Whitehall House
41 Whitehall