Bitesize Parliamentary Course – Tracking & Monitoring Parliament


Course Overview

Are you looking to effectively track parliamentary activities, including the passage of Bills and other crucial procedures in both the House of Lords and the House of Commons? Our specialist Bitesize Parliamentary Course: Tracking & Monitoring Parliament is designed just for you.

Why Attend this Course?

  • In-Depth Tracking Techniques: Gain a thorough understanding of how to monitor the legislative process and other parliamentary activities, with illustrative examples to help you stay informed and proactive.
  • Comprehensive Monitoring: Learn how to keep tabs on every significant stage of a Bill’s passage, from introduction to Royal Assent, and understand how to track debates, committee reports, and other parliamentary procedures.
  • Expert Guidance:  Receive advice from seasoned professionals on the best tools and strategies for tracking parliamentary activity, ensuring you never miss a critical development.




" This was a very comprehensive course, which not only gave guidance on how to find things out, but also gave so fundamental guidance on House Procedure too."

Sarah Gilbert, Public Affairs Assistant, Genetic Alliance UK

Enrol today and master the art of  tracking parliamentary activity !

Key Features of the day:

– Discover the best platforms and methods for real-time tracking of parliamentary activities, ensuring you are always up-to-date.

– Understand how to use your tracking data to engage effectively with key stakeholders inside and outside Parliament.

By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with the skills and knowledge to monitor and track parliamentary activities comprehensively. This course is ideal for parliamentary aides, political staff, researchers, and anyone needing to stay informed about parliamentary proceedings. The course provide guidance on how to gather and understand the papers of Parliament. It will also illustrate how to navigate this information which circulated daily.The course also contains several tried and tested tips to save time as well as professional advice on how to monitor in-house or identify the best additional services currently available.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to track and monitor Parliament.

Contact Us

0207 930 8208

Whitehall House
41 Whitehall