How to become a Political Consultant

Becoming a political consultant requires a combination of education, practical experience, specialised skills, and a passion for politics. By following this guide and continuously honing your abilities, you can embark on a fulfilling career in political consulting, where you’ll have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact to the political landscape.


Becoming a political consultant is an exciting and rewarding career path for those passionate about shaping public opinion, influencing policies, and helping political candidates succeed. The landscape of political agencies in the United Kingdom has undergone significant expansion and evolution over the last 15 years. With the growing complexity of modern politics, the demand for skilled consultants who can navigate the intricacies of campaigns, messaging, and public relations has surged. This guide is tailored for graduates who aspire to enter this dynamic field, providing insights into the skills, experiences, and steps necessary to kick start a successful career as a political consultant in the thriving UK political consultancy industry.

  1. Develop a Strong Educational Foundation:
  • Pursue a degree in political science, public administration, communications, or a related field. A solid understanding of political systems, policy analysis, and communication strategies is essential.
  • Engage in relevant coursework, including classes on campaign management, political strategy, polling, and media relations.
  • Consider degrees in politics, economics, or humanities, such as sociology or public administration, or a Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) program, especially from high-ranking universities, to gain comprehensive knowledge in political dynamics and policy analysis.
  1. Gain Practical Experience:
  • Internships: Seek internships with political campaigns, advocacy groups, or government offices. Hands-on experience is invaluable for understanding the intricacies of political consulting.
  • Volunteer: Offer your time to local political campaigns, community organisations, or charity campaigns. Volunteering demonstrates your commitment to social causes and community empowerment, while also providing valuable networking opportunities.
  • Paid Working Experience: Consider gaining 18 months or more of paid working experience in an elected Member of Parliament’s office. This offers firsthand exposure to government workings, policy development processes, and constituent relations.
  • Constituency Experience: Working in the constituency as a communication staff, caseworker, or administrator provides insights into grassroots politics, community engagement, and constituent service delivery.
  1. Hone Key Skills:
  • Communication: Develop strong written and verbal communication skills. Political consultants must effectively convey complex ideas to diverse audiences through speeches, press releases, and strategic messaging.
  • Analytical Thinking: Sharpen your analytical skills to assess political landscapes, conduct research, interpret data, and devise effective strategies.
  • Problem-Solving: Cultivate the ability to think critically and adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Networking Build a strong network of contacts within the political sphere by engaging in local politics, party activism and community
  1. Specialise and Find Your Niche:
  • Identify your areas of interest and expertise within political consulting, such as campaign management, media relations, polling, fundraising, or digital strategy.
  • Acquire specialised knowledge and skills through additional coursework, certifications, or self-study to differentiate yourself in your chosen niche.
  1. Stay Informed and Engaged:
  • Stay abreast of current events, political trends, and policy debates. Develop a deep understanding of local, national, and international politics.
  • Engage with diverse perspectives and ideologies to broaden your understanding and approach to political consulting.
  1. Build Your Portfolio:
  • Showcase your skills and accomplishments through a professional portfolio. Include samples of your writing, campaign materials, research projects, and any relevant experiences.
  • Create an online presence through a personal website or professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to highlight your expertise and connect with potential employers or clients.
  1. Seek Opportunities for Growth:
  • Be proactive in seeking opportunities for career advancement. Pursue higher education, certifications, or professional development programs to enhance your skills and credentials.
  • Consider joining political consulting firms or starting your own consultancy, depending on your career goals and aspirations.

Click  the list below to find the courses to help you kick start your new career!

  1. Develop a Strong Educational Foundation
  2. Gain Practical Experience
  3. Hone Key Skills
  4. Specialise and Find Your Niche
  5. Build Your Portfolio
  6. Seek Opportunities for Growth